Dental And Oral surgery
Oral surgery is a branch of dentistry that deals with the surgical and operative treatment of various soft and hard tissue problems of the oral cavity. Different operations are ranging from the more complicated, such as augmentation of the jawbone for implant placement, to the simple, such as extraction of the tooth.
The cyst is a pathological cavity that is filled with liquid and coated with a tissue. It can develop in the tissue that is soft (cheek, mouth) and in both jaws.
After infection that is constant which comes through the infected dental pulp, cysts appears as a reaction of the organism. In most times, they show up during trauma, around the partially grown tooth’s crown.
It can show up on each of the multiple infected teeth also. If you don’t have good oral hygiene, the chances are high that you will get one.
Until it comes to an acute infection’s state, reaches a certain size, often there will be no symptoms. But, they are nasal discharge, root fistula, tooth redness, swelling, pain, hard bulge above the tooth on the bone, changes in tooth colour. The consequences are acute infection which could cause pain and the facial swelling, damage to surrounding teeth, and surrounding bone resorption. They will also affect your nose and sinuses.
The dentist can treat it only by surgical procedure. The only way is to remove it entirely from the bone. The tooth will be extracted if the cysts have advanced to the root’s big part so that it can be surgically removed. You will get local anaesthesia for this procedure.
There is a place that is integrated into the jaw bone by a root that holds the teeth. Apex is the top or end of each root. Over it comes blood vessels and nerves into the tooth. Apicoectomy is a surgical procedure where the apex is removed with the infected tissue on it.
It is almost always a successful and safe procedure. The biocompatible material is used to fill in the root canal after the completion. There are a few phases of this procedure.
The cut is the first one. The localization of it will depend on the method because there are different ways of this operation. When the first phase is done, the surface part of the bone and the mucous are lifted, so that the bone can be removed. That way the access to the root top will be provided and the infected part can be removed without complications.
After this phase, the root will be shortened, and it will be hermetically sealed when its canal is filled. In some cases, the filling has to be done through the crown of the tooth and sometimes through the root’s top. The place where the cut is will be stitched after the procedure is done. The dentist will recommend you rest after it.
Wisdom teeth are the last ones that appear, between the ages of eighteen to twenty-five. Because they grow last, many people don’t have enough space for them in the jaws. But, not everyone has this same problem if they develop normally.
With the right oral hygiene, they can be healthy for the whole life and can be very useful. But, sometimes there is no room for them, so either they are not visible at all, or only half of them appears. It is called the impacted wisdom teeth.
But Why They Are Causing Issues?
First of all cavities. They are tough to keep healthy and clean. Because they are not very reachable, it is also hard to fix them. The second issue is that often the tooth next to them gets damaged. Cavities can appear on teeth that are surrounding them because of their position and can cause root resorption.
There is a fold of soft tissue over the crown of impacted wisdom teeth, which makes it simple for bacteria to spread and cause an infection. Bad breath, the swollen part of gingiva are some of the symptoms. Sometimes this swelling can expand to the lymph nodes and cheeks. Extraction of the wisdom teeth is requested by the orthodontists.